Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gorilla Exhibit

We went to the San Francisco Zoo this week and I thought that I would share this collage of the gorilla exhibit with you. As you can see the zoo has a new baby gorilla that has just made its appearance with the other gorillas with his surrogate mother. If you would like to see more or larger pictures click here.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Last Day of Summer School

Just thought that I would share these two pictures from my grandsons last day of summer school. We picked him up from school as you can see from the pictures that he was happiest to see his beloved BMW X-5.
I'm not sure why this car is his favorite but it is and as you maybe able to make out in the picture he is pointing to the BMW insignia on the wheel while saying BMW at the same time. Very smart boy indeed.
Don't tell his mom and dad but yes those are the cars keys in his hand he has to unlock the car and help his grandmother into the passengers seat before starting the car for me.

This is the full view of Grant and the X-5.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Morning Sky

The weather yesterday and this morning are showing the influence that tropical storms have on our local skies. This shot was taken this morning from my back door and is highlighted with blue skies and puffy white clouds. Last night we even had a little rain something that was not in any of the local weather forecasts. Any rain this time of year is gratefully accepted.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

It was a nice quiet 4th of July at our house this year. We did have three visitors come and brighten our day. Eivors niece Jennie and her twin girls Elsa and Saga. The girls are growing fast and are starting to move around rolling on their tummies and almost sitting up on their own. There are busy days ahead for mom and dad as they master crawling and walking.
I took a few pictures and some video of the girls and I have posted the pictures to my SmugMug album for your viewing pleasure. As you can see from these pictures they are getting cuter all the time. Saga is in the blue and you guessed it Elsa is in the red.
Soon it was time for Jennie to take the twins to a barbecue at dads work and yes that's him holding the girls in front of the fire truck. Jennie thanks for the picture I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday.