Thursday, August 21, 2008

August Walk

I'm sharing a recent walk that we went on in Portola Valley it is photo images presented in a video format. It will give you an idea of the different animals and places we come in contact with and the joy of our grandson discovering the world around him,

Sunday, August 17, 2008

More Video Watcher

Grant watching his favorite videos.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Video Watcher

What do you think? Grant loves to watch himself starring in his home movies. Is it healthy that he would rather watch himself rather than commercial programing?
Here is what I think. Commercial offerings often have violence or programing in them that start children on the road to becoming power consumers.

Home videos on the other hand have no violence or commercial overtones, but the content may not be as educational or mind expanding.
Does watching ones self a lot at this age make children more into themselves than is healthy? Or does it build their self esteem and feelings of self worth? Does one out way the other?
My thought is that he will out grow the need to watch himself as he matures. He already is opening his interests up to include others. It may be watching his dogs on video or the construction vehicles and equipment he finds so interesting on our walks.
Please feel free to add your comments on this subject.