Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hidden Valley

I'm sharing a short of video taken earlier this week of Grant running, jumping and riding on my shoulders. Normally we walk over to the Hidden Valley area of Woodside once a week. This is one of Grants favorite areas to explore and play.

As you can see in the video there is wildlife, lovely trails and interesting things to captivate inquisitive minds. Lots of new pictures on my Flickr photo-site

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Backyard "G"

Backyard "G" watch Grant at play in his Farmors backyard. Pictures were taken on June 24, 2008.

This is what a typical early morning looks like for Grant the dogs and us. It makes you tired just watching. I know it does me.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Birthday Celebration

Its Saturday and after yesterdays celebration along with the high heat I'm pooped. Oma hosted the party with help from her friend Wil. Michael, Kristi and the boys arrived at almost the exact same time as Eivor and I. Saxon was napping in the car and Grant well Grant was Grant supercharged. He loves Oma's house and loves to run all over the grounds playing hide and seek and you can't catch me.
We no sooner got into the house and the wine began to flow BV of course for us red wine drinkers and the snacks they were wonderful. Everyone had to sit on the couch so that I could take a family picture. But like I said Saxon was napping so we will just have to get him next time. Then everyone headed outside as the weather was warm and the evening was beautiful.
Grant had a surprise waiting for him Oma had got him a swimming frog for the swimming pool and with Wil over looking the spa Grant went to work launching the frog into the pool. He got a real kick out of how well the frog swam around and around.
Dinner was great Wil barbecued some steaks and vegetables and Grant had a hotdog and of course there was more wine. After dinner we went back out to the pool and I went into the pool with both Saxon and Grant. This was Saxons first encounter with the open water and he just loved all the splashing around.
Of course Grant had his own special entrance as he went in head first for the first time and it startled him for a moment then he was ready to go. He is becoming a real waterbug. I made one small miss calculation when I went in and that was I forgot that I had a wallet and keyes in my shorts. The wallet and contents had to be dried out at home, no harm no foul.
We had the home made cake and it was yummy thanks again Mom it was wonderful as was the company. I got a lot of neat presents that I won't mention here so you don't get jealous.
Enough from me here is a video of the higlights enjoy........

If you would like to see the individual pictures click here.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Smart Car

I'm back with a new video for all your enjoyment, "G"s Smart Car the Video. I thought that followers of my blog might like to see my grandson Grant driving his smart car. In these days of high gas prices its nice to see that there are some real alternatives out there.

Did you notice that Grant has his own key to his car? I put the key on the chain for easier location after a hard day of playing and driving. He keeps it with the rest of our vehicle keys and knows exactly were to look for it the next time he has somewhere to drive.
For those of you that don't know about his predilection for cars, well he just loves them. Anytime we go someplace he has to open the car get in put the keys in the ignition and test all the knobs, levers and steering wheel to make sure that they are in working order. He will then go back to his seat climb in and wait to be buckled in.
We go through the same routine when we get to our destination. He can't leave the car before safety testing it one more time. I hope you enjoyed the video, stayed tuned for more adventures of little "G".
Would you like to see this video in a new larger format? You can at my Viddler Site plus other unseen videos. You can (please do) leave a comment by clicking on comments and thanks for making this a interactive blog.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Intersting Picture

I promised you some different things in this blog and today you see one of my photos taken on Hillbrook Trail in Portola Valley, California. I enhanced the picture with a few Photo Shop filters and here it is.
Feel free to click on the image to see it full size and then save it to be used as desktop wallpaper. I'm currently using it as my wallpaper and it looks great.
I'm also expermenting with using pictures and presenting them in video format. Todays example is of my grandson enjoying ice cream and his videos.